What is Hypnosis


Hypnosis is an emotion-based form of psychotherapy and has been recognized in Germany since 2006.
Through the process of hypnosis we guide the patient or client into a light or deeper state of trance.
We all experience in our daily life more or less often a state of everyday trance.
Maybe you are driving in your car on a road you have taken very many times. When you reach your place of work somebody asks you whether the road building site is still there. You think about it and cannot remember. We forget details.
Amnesia is a characteristic of a hypnotic state of mind. Listening to music, watching an interesting film on television or in the cinema, also doing tasks you are doing as a routine can lead us into a hypnosis. But anything disturbing us we are back and focussed on the Here and Now.
Hypnosis is therefore not sleep, unconsciousness or a complete loss of will power.
We are inwardly awake and clear and can talk to the hypnotist and perform easy tasks.
Two main forms of hypnosis:
During a Suggestiontherapy the hypnotist gives suggestions into the mind of the client to treat disturbing believes, habits, fears etc etc.
In trance our subconscious mind is more receptive to suggestions than when we are awake.
Our Critical Consciousness and thinking process are reduced during hypnosis.
But they are at no time completely turned off and can intervene at any given time ​​​when a suggestion does not fit.
The Auflösende Hypnose also called Hypnoanalysis feels like a deep state of relaxation where emotions are addressed much more intensely.
Anything we experience is daily stored in our subconscious mind.
Nice experiences are stored connected to nice enjoyable feelings. Terrible experiences are connected with feelings of fear, desperation, inferiority and many more.
These feelings together with their connected bad experiences we address and treat in the Auflösenden Hypnose.
Clients and patients feel free and relieved. Diseases especially those based on feelings can be treated successfully.
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